Fix-It Clinics

A Better Society hosted its first Fix-It Clinics in 2022 in partnership with the Carver County Environmental Center. Since then, volunteers have helped attendees fix more than 5,400 pounds of items including electronics, household appliances, bicycles, clothing, and small engines. Fix-It Clinics teach valuable troubleshooting and basic repair skills.
Events like these serve as a great opportunity not only to get items fixed and kept out of the landfill, but also foster community and discussion about waste reduction and the “throw-away” mentality. If you have something around your house that’s broken, odds are our volunteers can help you fix it.
Counties and community organizations have been hosting Fix-It Clinics for the last few years with great success, and Carver County’s clinics are no exception. These events provide residents an opportunity to sit down with a volunteer fixer to receive free guided assistance and work together toward a repair. If an item cannot not be fixed, volunteers will try their best to diagnose the problem and provide the resident with part numbers, other repair options or recycling and disposal alternatives.
What type of items can we try to fix?
- Bicycles
- Vacuums
- Fans
- Clothes (please bring only clean items)
- Lamps
- Small engines
- Radios and stereos
- Toys
- Other small appliances and electronics
What we can’t fix:
- Computers and hard drives
- Smart phones and screens
- Glassware
- Jewelry and watches
- Ceramics
- Zipper replacements
- Any items needing to be welded

Some things that are broken may not be worth fixing. Examples include old, energy-hogging appliances such as mini-fridges and dehumidifiers. Make sure to properly dispose of these items.
Other details about the Fix-It Clinics:
- We will do our best, but we cannot guarantee that your item will be fixed. We will have a list of alternative repair shops and information for proper disposal.
- The clinics are meant to be interactive. We encourage you to ask questions and to help with the fixing process.
- You do not need to bring any tools however if you think there is a tool that would be helpful to fix your item, bring it along.
When is the next clinic and how do I sign up?
The next clinic is scheduled for April 12, 2025.
Register to get your items fixed – click here.
Walk-ins welcome with no guarantee for service. Sign-up to guarantee a time slot.
Future Clinics:
– July 12, 2025
– October 11, 2025
Fix-It Clinic Location
Fix-It Clinics are held at A Better Society’s office located at 1453 Park Road in Chanhassen, MN.
Volunteer Opportunities
To sign up as a volunteer fixer, click here!
For more information, please visit the Carver County website.