13 years ago A Better Society had an idea for a project to create a platform that would help social organizations, government agencies, and businesses connect more efficiently and share/refer resources. We called it Project ˈLiŋ-kij and started to socialize it to certain Carver County community members. The idea was well received but at the time, the technology to scale and maintain that type of system was not quite there. We shelved it back then but have since revived it. We have found an existing platform (Unite Us) that provides pretty much all of the features that we were wanting and would like to enlist a small group of core organizations in Carver County to pilot it with us. The power of this type of referral platform can only be realized when it is broadly used across the entire community and we believe Carver County (specifically H&HS) can help lead this initiative with us.
Here is a short 3 minute video explaining how a closed loop referral system like Unite Us would help connect our community better:

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